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Graduating from Arts in 2021?

Find your first job with us

Graduating from Arts in 2021? Then seize the opportunity to enter the job market as an academic in businesslife. Go from thesis desk to work desk. Start your work life with relevant business experience. Make a difference with your  knowledge in a small or medium-sized busines.

Read more about the opportunity. Learn about SMBs. Join the AiE Network - all on this site.

Om værdien af netværket i AiE

What can I do in SMBs?

Academics can help small and medium-sized companies to perform a wide range of tasks which the company might not have the expertise or time to cope with in a busy everyday life. Here are some examples of these tasks:

  • Analysing and segmenting groups of customers
  • Developing the company’s CSR profile and ethical guidelines
  • Working with the internationalisation of the company
  • Contributing with understanding of users and human behaviour to the process of product development
  • Communicating trade and sales strategies, and providing cultural understanding
  • Drawing up a plan for sustainability and the greening of the company
  • Assuring the quality of procedures and company structures
  • Drawing up a marketing strategy and handling the press
  • Planning, implementing and measuring the effect of new systems
  • Taking responsibility for the digitalisation and optimisation of business and working procedures
  • Communicating and presenting the company’s values and messages both internally and externally
  • Writing applications for funding or tender documents
  • Planning and carrying out customer events or taking part in trade fairs
  • Taking responsibility for the recruitment and retention of staff
  • Providing feedback for the management and proposals for business development
  • Strengthening the company’s everyday and cross-departmental collaboration
  • Taking responsibility for strategic competence development

There are countless opportunities, but if you want to work for an SMB you will need to do your own spadework. Start right away by joining AiE Netværket.

Julie Johanne Svendsen fortæller om sit arbejde ved SMV'en FlexVirk: "Jeg sidder til dagligt med mange forskelligeartede og spændende opgaver. Jeg skal blandt andet udarbejde en strategi for vores samarbejde med regionens kommuner, være med til at optimere virksomhedens online identitet og arbejde med implementering af FNs verdensmål - al sammen arbejdsopgaver, hvor jeg har mulighed for at bruge min teoretiske viden i praksis."

Se mere til Julie og andre akademikere ved at klikke her.

What are SMBs?

SMBs are small and medium-sized businesses in the private sector which have between 1 and 249 employees. 99% of the companies in Denmark are SMBs. Most SMBs are run by the owner/manager, which means that the owner of the company is also responsible for its daily management. So it doesn’t take long to put decisions into practice, and the focus is placed on today rather than tomorrow.

In a study carried out for AKA and the Danish Association of Lawyers and Economists, Epinion concluded that the appointment of the first academic in SMBs in Denmark can be a significant advantage for such companies. The study also showed that on average over a three-year period, companies which had appointed their first academic were more likely to survive, appoint more employees and enjoy a greater growth in value than corresponding companies which had not appointed their first academic. Epinion concluded that there were still a large number of SMBs which did not employ any academics, indicating the presence of a large, unexplored potential in the private sector in Denmark.

In other words, SMBs and academics can both benefit from collaborating with each other.

Why an Academic in Business Life?

Academics in Business Life will advertise for 18 positions, which can only be applied by graduates from Arts in 2021

Apply for the position that fits you the best, starting in August 2021. On May 1. and June 1. project positions will be advertised by a range of SMBs throughout the Central Denmark Region. This is your chance to gain some great experience of the labour market with the focus on development and teamwork.

  • You get 3 months employment with payment

  • You get relevant work experience, network and inspiration

  • You make a difference with your professional competency in two small or medium-sized businesses

  • You will be a part of a network with other newly graduates regarding your first job

Why should you work for an SMB?

There are many advantages connected to working for a small business:

  • You have more influence on what goes on

  • Ideas can be turned into action quickly

  • You have a direct influence on your title

  • You will encounter some interesting challenges and a steep learning curve

  • Your working day will be characterised by teamwork – both with customers and with your colleagues

  • You’ll be given plenty of responsibility – if you want it

  • People at SMBs tend to respect each other’s opinions

  • You’ll be part of a flat corporate structure

... and much, much more.

Om det bedste ved jobstart

Andreas Bjerre Lunkeit arbejder ved SMV'en Nilas3D: "Jeg er hovedsageligt ansvarlig for udviklingen af en ny webshop, hvor der skal sælges 3D printere til private forbrugere. Til dagligt sidder jeg derfor en del med web- og billedredigering. Jeg skaber også content til webshoppen, alt fra produktbeskrivelser og -billeder over handelsbetingelser til blogindlæg. Da jeg er den eneste i virksomheden, der arbejder på webshoppen, har jeg stor frihed, ift. hvilke konkrete opgaver jeg giver mig i kast med."

Læs mere om Andreas og Nilas3D her.